The PBA Flyer
The PBA Flyer was a quarterly newsletter that PBA published for the public and was available at airports, onboard aircraft, and via the US Mail.
Below you will find all the issues in this collection in easy to view PDF format. If you have an issue that is not available here and would like to donate a copy (physical or digital), please contact us. Contributions are always appreciated!
Vol.5, № 4: Fall, 1984
Vol.5, № 3: Summer, 1984
Vol.5, № 2: Spring, 1984
In this issue we discuss...
- PBA Traffic Up 119% in First Quarter
- First Annual Report
- Keepin’ Em’ Clean
- ‘Dual Designators’ Becomes an Issue
- Management Visits Brazil, & Brasilia Visits Naples
- PBA Reorganizes Maintenance Department
- PBA Air Center
- PBA Braces for a Big Summer Season
- and more!
Vol.5, № 1: Winter, 1984
In this issue we discuss...
- PBA Continues Expansion in January
- PBA New Employee Indoctrination Program
- PBA Institutes Employee Stock Purchase Plan
- PBA Carries Record Number of Passengers in Both Year and Last Quarter
- New Computer
- PBA Gets New Terminal in Miami
- and more!
Vol.4, № 4: Fall, 1983
Vol.4, № 3: Summer, 1983
Vol.4, № 1: Winter, 1983
Vol.3, № 4: Fall, 1982
Vol.3, № 3: Summer, 1982
Vol.3, № 1: Winter, 1982
Vol.2, № 4: Fall, 1981
Vol.2, № 3: Summer, 1981
Vol.2, № 2: Spring, 1981
Vol.2, № 1: Winter, 1981
In this issue we discuss...
- 1980 Record Year for PBA
- Annual Traffic
- Competition Stimulates… The Marathon, Florida Story
- New Site and Airline Terminal for Naples Airport
- Hey, New England, watch out for the ‘Bandits’!
- PBA Wins New Bedford—New York & Nantucket Essential Air Service
- and more …