Article | Autumn, 1988 | Propliner Magazine | The curtain falls on Provincetown-Boston Airline after nearly 40 years.

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Article | Autumn, 1988 | Propliner Magazine | The curtain falls on Provincetown-Boston Airline after nearly 40 years.
Article | December 24th, 1985 | United Press International | PBA’s ‘Good Old 36’ Holds Commercial Flying Record
Article | March 1st, 1985 | Inc. Magazine. | PBA was an airline in disgrace. Peter Van Arsdale had two weeks to save it. He did. Then the next disaster struck.
Article | July/August, 1984 | Air Pictorial Magazine | Provincetown-Boston Airline Inc,. more commonly known as PBA, is one. of the oldest and most respected of the United States’ regional airlines.
Brochure | June, 1984 | PBA Sportswear! High Flying Fashions | Brochure promoting PBA swag — 1980s style!
Publication | May 31st, 1984 | FY1983 Annual Report | Presented to shareholders on Thursday, May 31st, 1984 at the Provincetown Municipal Airport, Provincetown, MA at 2:00PM EDT
Article | February 7th, 1984 | Florida Trend Magazine | Using an unconventional mix of ad hoc management and demand scheduling, this commuter alternative has become an old standard.
Article | February 7th, 1984 | Florida Trend Magazine | Because of the size of the State of Florida, air travel within the state is a necessity for tourists and businessmen alike It is over 400 miles from the capitol in Tallahassee to Miami, and it is 600 miles from Pensacola, the most north westerly city, to Key West in the south.
While the major airlines provide excellent intrastate service between the major population centers, the regional/commuter airlines have an important role to play in providing air service to the smaller communities.
Brochure | August, 1983 | Charter Information featuring the YS-11 | Brochure promoting PBA’s Charter Division along with available aircraft types including the Nihon (NAMC) YS-11, Martin 404, Douglas DC-3, Embraer Bandeirante, Cessna 402 and Piper Aztec D.
Article | February 15th, 1983 | Inc. Magazine. | In the newly competitive airline industry, a second generation of management revels in a good dogfight.
Brochure | June, 1981 | Air Freight Services | Brochure promoting PBA Air Freight Services in New England and Florida
Letter | April 26th, 1981 | Provincetown-Boston Airline, Inc. | Announcing the start of Cape & Islands services between Boston, Hyannis, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, New Bedford, and New York City (LaGuardia Airport).
Brochure | January, 1975 | Provincetown-Boston Airline Charter Service | Brochure promoting PBA’s Charter Division along with rates for chartering their Piper Aztec D and Britten-Norman Islander aircraft
Brochure | January, 1960 | Suburban Air Taxi Service | Brochure promoting PBA’s Suburban Air Taxi Division out of Boston Logan Int’l Airport in the early 1960s
Brochure | January, 1956 | Flagship Vacations in Provincetown | Brochure promoting American Airlines’ 1956 Flagship Vacations package tour to Provincetown, MA w/connecting service from Boston Logan Int’l Airport on PBA
Brochure | January, 1955 | Northeast Vacation in Provincetown | Brochure promoting Northeast Airlines’ 1955 Vacation package tour to Provincetown, MA w/connecting service from Boston Logan Int’l Airport on PBA.
Brochure | May, 1953 | Western Executive Conversion | Brochure promoting PBA’s upgraded Cessna AT-17 Bobcat aircraft (N45PB)