PBA Northern System Timetable: N 1985-10-15
October 15th through November 14th, 1985
Boston, MA Boston, MA (BOS)
Burlington, VT (BTV)
Hyannis, MA (HYA)
Martha’s Vineyard, MA (MVY)
Nantucket, MA (ACK)
New Bedford, MA (EWB)
New York City, NY (LGA)
Provincetown, MA (PVC)
NEW Burlington – New York Nonstops
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Class 1
System Timetables
1A. Primary System
Carrier’s main timetable. Due to language or alphabet restrictions this may not be the nominal edition distributed in the carrier’s home country.
1B. Regional System
Designed for regional distribution elsewhere than the carriers home country. In quick reference editions a regional system often only includes extra-regional services on a direct or nonstop basis. Often a regional is differentiated from Class 1A on only small points. It’s value relation to class 1A will vary by carrier.
1C. Home System
Corresponds to category 1A. Usually used when 1A not practical due to language or other marketing consideration.
1D. Component System
System schedules separated in multiple concurrent editions. Each of the component timetables but be used to view the carrier’s full system. For example, Air Canada’s North American and International timetables issued during the 1960s and 1970s.
1E. Local System
System schedules presented in an edition intended for distribution in single locale.
Class 2
Regional Timetables
2A. Standard Regional
Chronological continuity exits.
2B. Non-Standard Regional
Similar to type 2A but no evidence of chronological continuity. An issue is by default classified as 2B pending evidence of chronological continuity. It should not be uncommon to re-classify 2B to 2A status as new timetables are added to a collection.
2C. Joint Regional
Combined services timetable of two or more carriers. 2C schedules are filed under issuing or dominant airline.
2D. Abridged
Includes full system routes, but not all flights included.
2E. Overseas Abridged
Same as 2D, but intended for foreign market distribution.
Class 3
Local Timetables
3A. Standard Local
Format and size may vary. Chronological continuity exists.
3B. Non-Standard Local
Format and size may vary. No chronological continuity. See default classification notes in 2B explanation above.
3C. Limited Local
Lists partial schedules for a single city.
3D. Joint Local
Combined services timetable of two or more carriers to/from a single point. 3D schedules are filed under issuing or dominant airline.
Class 7
Single Route Timetables
7A. Standard
Chronological continuity exists.
7B. Non-Standard
No-chronological continuity.
Class 10
Miscellaneous Timetables
Timetable printed in conjunction with special event affecting flight schedules. For example, issues related to the Hannover or Leipzig trade fares are Class 10A timetables.
10B. New Service.
Printed on a “one-time, first time” basis.
10C. Marketing Initiatives
Promoting target markets – American’s Aircoach and Eastern’s Moonlight Special, for example.
10D. Miscellaneous
Fits no other criteria.
10E. Supplements
“Stop-Press”-type update for schedule changes.. Usually distributed as an insert for an existing timetable publication.